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Mac OS X resources:

Icon used for the iCredit program. It's a US currency note with a red slashed circle and the word iCredit set on a background photograph of the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA. iCredit is a Cocoa app (for OS X 10.5 or greater!) designed to help small businesses extend credit or create debit accounts for customers. The model works like this: Your Lemonade Stand* allows frequent customers to pre-pay an arbitrary amount of money to an account. Then, anyone authorized to spend from that account can pay for purchases. All transactions and changes to the underlying accounts are audited, as employees must enter their passcode (the employee's initials concatenated with their password). This helps discourage abuse by unscrupulous or mischievous employees. Hope you find this helpful. If so, please e-mail me!

This is an MIT Public License release (Read the MIT License).

*The program was actually written for the concession stand at a local swimming pool. The theory is that kids shouldn't be carrying cash with them because it's too easy for them to lose track of it while they're playing. The pool issues photo IDs with a unique patron ID. Parents would open an account and authorize their children to spend on this account. The employees (often local teens) would enter the ID number from the badge to find the patron, verify the name matches the ID, then enter the transaction amount, thus debiting the account. In the event that a transaction would exceed the remaining account funds, the program warns the user but ultimately will allow credit to be extended, if the decision is made to proceed. The goal is to encourage spending by removing the need to carry cash while also helping to guard against register theft by reducing the total amount of cash on hand. The data file is NOT particularly secure, as its not encrypted, but this is meant to help small business, not provide enterprise-level security.

(Minor bug fixes posted on January 06, 2010. Sorry for any inconvenience.)
Download the iCredit source code (180k).
Download the iCredit executable file (900k).

Icon used for the Billing Project program. It's a pocket watch with a dollar sign instead of hands. Billing Project v1.4 is an open source application that helps you keep track of time that you spend working on various projects for the purposes of generating an itemized bill. Multiple clients can be tracked at once. The program is written using Cocoa bindings and CoreData objects, with a moderate amount of commenting in the source code. The program will generate a client-specific bill as a plain-text file which can then be imported into your favorite word processor template. This is an MIT Public License release (Read the MIT License). Enjoy!

Updates to v1.4.1

February 25, 2009

Updates to v1.4

July 26, 2008

(More versioning info below....)
Download the Billing Project source code.
Download the Billing Project executable file.

Instructions for updating the OS on a Garmin Nuvi 350 using Mac OS X. Garmin says you need to wait for them to develop Mac compatible software. I say, that's awfully inconsiderate since I spent some serious cash on this very nice GPS device. Here's a step-by-step guide to bringing your Nuvi up to speed!

iBlock is a Cocoa app (constructed with XCode v1.2) that can watch for a serial device that is plugged into the Mac (in my case, via a Keyspan serial to USB converter), and trigger QuickTime movies to play and stop playing based on the serial data. The movies can also be trigger by keyboard-entered "hot keys." Right now, the program is configured to discriminate between 8 different movie triggers and two play states (play and pause), which are signalled by a 2-digit code sent through the serial connection. The first digit (1-8) determines the movie, and the second (0 or 1) determines the play state (0 is playing, 1 is paused). The code is fairly well commented and is shared with you under the MIT Open Source License agreement (Read the MIT License). (This is currently used to teach anesthesia techniques - We attach a life-sized model to the serial A-D converter, and when a conductive needle is inserted into the model and contacts a conductive structure inside (modeling the nerves of the upper arm), one of the movies is triggered to show what you'd see in a human.) Good luck!

Download the iBlock.zip source code.

iCall is a Cocoa app (constructed with XCode v1.2) that was originally designed to create call schedules for our department. It takes the 2 letter initials as input into the NSTableView and replaces them with the person's full last name. It obeys different scheduling rules for weekends and holidays, and it automatically moves the first call person to the third call slot 2 days later. It provides a second tabbed page for other information, and it prints both tabs on one 8 1/2 x 11 inch page using a non-displayed window specifically to arrange the printed material. There are a few other functions as well, such as tabulating the number of calls for each person during a calendar year. The program uses NSDocument functions, NSDictionary calls, and other simple data management tools. As usual, it's shared with you under the Gnu Public License agreement (Read the GPL). Check the file AAOMDocs.plist in this .sit file to see the 2-letter abbreviations that you can use in the program.

Download the iCall.sit source code.

Additional versioning information for BillingProject:

Updates to v1.1.1, v1.1.2, v1.1.3, and v1.1.4

Feburary 17, 2008

Download the Billing Project v1.4 executable file. Minimum OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Required
Download the Billing Project v1.4 source code. Minimum OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Required

Updates to v1.1

January 20, 2008

Updates to v1.0.5

January 17, 2008:

Updates to v1.0.4

November 3, 2007:

Updates to v1.0.4

October 3, 2007:

Updates to v1.0.3

August 18, 2007:

Updates to v1.0.2

August 17, 2007:

Updates to v1.0.1

August 14, 2007:

Updates to v1.0

August 9, 2007:

Updates to v1.0b

August 4, 2007:

Update to v0.8b
Update to v0.7a:

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Ascendiac and this Web site are ©2002 by Iatragraph, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this manuscript may be copied, reproduced, or distributed in any form without expressed, written permission. All characters and events are strictly fictitious, and any similarity to actual persons, entities, or events is entirely coincidental.