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Porsche Brake Pad Photojournal is a brief summary of how to change brake pads on Porsche and other cars with Brembo brakes. Pictures of most of the major steps are included for your reference.

Although the job is relatively simple and takes about an hour, it is not for everyone. If you manage to remove the old pads but fail to install new ones, the car will be undrivable and will need to be towed to a repair center. Of course, this is unlikely, but it's a reminder that this document comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR USE OF ANY KIND. IATRAGRAPH, LLC, EXPLICITLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR HARM OR LOSS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DOCUMENT, ACTIONS TAKEN AS A RESULT OF THIS DOCUMENT, THE COMMENTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS HEREIN, OR ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT FOR ANY PURPOSE.

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